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Open Job Interviews Near Me Used Car

Saturday, 1 May 2021

I am looking forward to celebrating with you when you accept a job offer -- and not just any job offer, but a wonderful offer from a fantastic organization where the people are smart and the work is stimulating. I can't wait for that day, but I have to warn you about certain dangers that are likely to appear on your path between now and then. Anybody can call you up and say "Come in for a job interview. " You can go there and find a down-at-heels, dirty, unsavory boiler room operation that smells like cigarettes and sweat. You can go on a job interview and find that the company is a shell for semi-Mobbed-up shysters you wouldn't trust any farther than you could throw them. Don't go to just any job interview, simply because you get an invitation. Some job interviews are bogus. Some of them aren't worth your time. You have to ask a few questions before you say "Okay! I'll be there! " Our client Melissa was invited to a job interview with a well-known technology company, or so she thought.

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"You certainly won't get my approval to share my resume with anyone until I know who the employer is and which department is hiring. " Trust cuts both ways! Sad to say, physical danger is an issue these days. If you spot a job on Craigslist, for instance, don't you dare get in your car or on the bus and go to the office until you've checked out the organization. Search LinkedIn for the person who contacted you about the interview. If his or her profile doesn't list the company that he or she supposedly works for, run away! We had a client, Justin, who had that experience. He got an overture through LinkedIn from a guy who wanted to talk to Justin about a Marketing Director position. Justin smelled a rat right away, because he's only 26 and was working as a Marketing Coordinator when he got the message. "How did you find me? " he asked the guy. "On LinkedIn, " the fellow replied. "Your profile is impressive. " "I think my profile is okay, but there are at least a million other Marketing Coordinators on LinkedIn, " said Justin.

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